Turn A Bad Day Into A Good One

One of Ian K. Smith’s Happy has some great tips and tricks to keep you going with a smile on your face!

Here’s what I thought was one of the best takeaways from the book:

“Ways to Turn a Bad Day into a Good One

Write a letter to someone who has affected your life and thank the person for all he or she has done.

Pray and/or meditate and remind yourself of all the opportunities that life offers. Mentally, make difficult situations temporary and acknowledge that they will eventually go away. Instead, focus on the more positive things that you have to look forward to.

Pick a favorite song to play and sing along with it. It is not easy to be sad when you’re singing to music that makes you happy.

Commit an act of kindness and do something for someone you love. Bask in the smile on that person’s face and his cheerfulness.

Play with children. The natural happiness and silliness of children can be contagious. They’ll make you see the world in a new way.

Count your blessings. Life isn’t always perfect, and there are moments or sadness and difficulty, but think about all the things that have gone right in your life. Try to list five of them.

Call the most uplifting and positive person you know. Conversing with someone who has a positive outlook can put those bad moments or situations in perspective.

Do some type of physical activity. Release those endorphins–happy chemicals–into your bloodstream.

Play with your pet if you have one. Pets, especially dogs, offer unconditional love.

Look at the bigger picture. Think about this being only one day of your life and all the other days you have ahead of you that will be meaningful and happy. Don’t allow yourself to be stalled by a day that, however challenging, will be over with the next sunrise.”

~Believe you can make it and you will…no matter what happens in life, there is always something to smile about.~

Keep Your Head Up

“You’ll Get Knocked Down and Then Get Back Up

So many outcomes seem out of our control. Decisions are made that change our companies, our jobs, our lives—decisions we feel helpless to affect.

But if you can accept some uncertainty and believe in yourself, there will always be alternatives available to you. You will always have a choice no matter what the situation.

When layoffs are announced, everybody is disappointed. But some people aer overcome with woe while others are thinking of the next step. Self-image and acceptance of risk accounted for more than half of the reaction of workers who faced significant change in the workplace and were more important than the nature of the changes themselves. Judege, Thoresen, Pucik, and Welbourne 1999″

Mood Lifters

The Truth: Everyone deserves to be happy!

1. Even if you don’t feel like it, SMILE. Exercising these facial muscles will uplift mood–proven fact.

2. Get moving. Exercise helps get the blood flowing.

3. Catch some sunshine! Step outside and soak in the sun.

4. Have a handful of cashews–similar side effects of Prozac, Paxil, etc.

5. Help someone else.

6. Be around animals!

7. Get out of those sweats and dress up a little! When you look good you feel good.

8. Push those negative thoughts aside and think positively — “We are what we think.” — Buddha

Diet: Folate, vitamins B12 and B6, and unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids are important to incorporate into your diet to keep your mood balanced–deficiency in these can lead to depression [1].

The Solution: Use these alternatives before turning to poor health choices!
E.g. don’t pull out a cigarette to make yourself feel better, take a breath and try out one of these tips first because the ciggy isn’t solving your problems either!
E.g. don’t be so hard on yourself — take a break!!
1. Karakula H, Opolska A, Kowal A, Domanski M, Plotka A, Perzynski J. Does diet affect our mood? The significance of folic acid and homocysteine. Pol Merkur Lekarski 2009; 26(152):136-41.

Quick Tips to Get & Stay Motivated!

The Truth: Motivation Sometimes Needs to Be Revived! 

Here are some quick & easy tips to stay motivated to reach your goals:

1. Create lists.

This helps some people–if done right. Make sure you prioritize and put the most important tasks first, before enjoying the pleasure of crossing off each task.

2. Write down some motivational quotes, read a new one each morning.

3. Tell people your plans

4. Eat right. When you eat well, you feel good. Stay active, exercise, and take care of your health in general!

Don’t start out the day on the wrong foot by skipping out on breakfast! Also, keep in mind, donuts, bagels/cream cheese, and other such foods provide no nutritional value and simply keep you filled up with the sugar and carbs. Watch what you eat and make changes accordingly. Take a brisk walk around the block on your lunch break. Choose stairs over elevators/escalators.

5. Reward yourself at each milestone when working towards your goals.

For example, if you are trying to lose weight, once you reach 5 lbs, maybe reward yourself with some new clothes or treat yourself to a spa treatment.

6. Write your goal on a piece of paper and place it somewhere you look frequently.

In your car, on your dresser/mirror, or in the bathroom. A friendly reminder!

7. Stay positive! Listen to some motivational music when you feel like you’re in a slump

8. Have a goal in mind…For long-term goals, create a vision board.

A vision board is something you can draw or make by collage. Visualize where you want to be in the future, and put these ideas to paper. Place your poster a place you can see everyday, as much as possible. Perhaps on a wall at your desk, or near your door so you know what you’re working toward each time you leave your bedroom.


Start NOW. If not now, start THINKING now…why wait until tomorrow or next week? Start ASAP!!

Solution: Stay Positive & Steer Clear from Negative Energy!

Avoid the Negative Nancies the best you can…they will just bring you down. If it’s good advice, take it, if it’s weighing you down or slowing you, ignore it.

Also!! Organize your surroundings (i.e. clean your room/desk/house) to help keep your thoughts uncluttered as well!